Internship program initiative – a first briefing session

This past year we have received several requests from member companies relating to access to internship candidates. In response to this we've decided to launch an internship program initiative together with Talent Circulation Alliance (part of MOEA, Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs).The aim is two-fold; to cultivate talents needed for Taiwan’s future, continue connect our...

Jonas Samuelson, CEO, Electrolux AB

Electrolux​, one of Sweden's flagship multinational companies, is at the forefront of the appliances industry, employing some 48,000 people globally and with operations throughout the APAC region. During the past decade, the empowered consumer, her needs and demands, have transformed the appliance industry. These demands require manufacturing with increased pace and flexibility, which have, in...

Stocks and Dinner – Part V

Do you want to live a non-traditional lifestyle, build up an extra income without having to work more hours or just be more financially secure and sleep well at night?Join the chamber for our regular series of talks on personal finance, investing and valuing publicly traded companies. Speakers - Chamber members and Do-It-Yourself Investors Johan...

Saint Lucia – The Swedish Bearer of Light

PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGE (Church had managed to double book the original date)Lucia − the bearer of lightAlongside Midsummer, the Lucia celebrations represent one of the foremost cultural traditions in Sweden, with their clear reference to life in the peasant communities of old: darkness and light, cold and warmth. Lucia is an ancient mythical...

Working with Brand Sweden

A brand is a reputation. It is the expression of an identity, a name, a logo, values, a philosophy.Sweden, a small country in northern Europe with only 0.13% of the world’s population, is one of the first nations in the world to have implemented an official nation branding strategy. As a result, Sweden benefits from...

Swedish Winter BBQ

It's hard to believe Christmas and New Year's holiday is just around the corner and in order to close out the year and kick off the holiday spirit, we once again welcome members and friends of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei to party at the SCCT headquarters.This year we introduce you the concept of...

Swedish Chamber Golf Challenge

This year we launch a new seasonal event, the Swedish Chamber Golf Challenge, boasting a premium golf experience at Ta Shee Golf & Country Club, most likely the finest course on the island.With its 102 hectares' space, the Ta Shee course is divided into three sections, 27 holes. Among the 18 holes we play the...

Stocks and Dinner – Part IV

Do you want to live a non-traditional lifestyle, build up an extra income without having to work more hours or just be more financially secure and sleep well at night?Join the chamber for our regular series of talks on personal finance, investing and valuing publicly traded companies. Speakers - Chamber members and Do-It-Yourself Investors Johan...

Mergers & Acquisitions

Companies merge to share information, technology or other resources to increase the overall strengths. Mergers also help to overcome existing challenges, reduce weaknesses and gain a competitive edge in the market. Why is M&A growing in importance in the APAC region? What are the economic driving factors? Which sectors/industries and capabilities are driving activity? What...

Leadership in a Time of Change

Being a leader has never been more challenging than it is today. With a pandemic going on, employees working from anywhere and with constant change around us. How are others coping with all challenges, and which tools can you use yourself to develop your leadership skills?Welcome to join this tailor-made leadership course with Peter Lysell...

Kräftfest – Crayfish party – 小龍蝦派對 in Taiwan

SOLD OUT - SOLD OUT - SOLD OUT - SOLD OUT - SOLD OUT - SOLD OUT - SOLD OUT - SOLD OUT - SOLD OUT After a short social interlude also known as the year 2020, we restart our annual Sweden-Taiwan Crayfish Party!You will be treated to a very traditional Swedish festivity with great...

SCCT Annual General Meeting 2021

The Board of Directors, Supervisors and CEO of Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei are pleased to invite You to this year's Annual General Meeting (AGM).As Covid-19 situation in Taiwan is still slightly fluid we have decided to host the AGM online and hope to be seeing You at a social event in the near future.Via...

Save the Date: Klas Eklund on the World Economy

We are delighted to announce that Mr Klas Eklund​​​, Senior Economist at Mannheimer Swartling​​, will be our guest at the next SwedCham APAC event.Mr Eklund is one of Sweden's most prominent economists and a sought-after financial adviser with a long career and unique expertise from the private sector - most notably many years as Chief...

Stocks and Dinner – Part III

We have finally left Level 3 restrictions behind us and look forward to a busy end of summer and autumn with you guys!Do you want to live a non-traditional lifestyle, build up an extra income without having to work more hours or just be more financially secure and sleep well at night?Join the chamber for...

Invitation to the SCCT Annual General Meeting 2021

Thank you for having been part of, and supported the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei during 2020. Your continued engagement and support means everything to our social business community!We are hereby pleased to invite you to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021, which will take place 6-9PM on June 3rd in Henry's Bar at The...

State of the Strait:Understanding and Responding to Geopolitical Risks in the Cross-Straits Relationship

This past year we have certainly experienced an increase in unforeseen events in Taiwan.Dire draught and water rationing, intermittent electricity shortage, a very unfortunate spike in indigenous COVID-19 cases and rising tensions between the island and the mainland, which has included threats and display of military force.Enter Proactive Risk Management and Business Continuity Planning.These concepts...


Diversity & Inclusion, Working from Home, Creativity, US President's playlists – with Spotify you can talk about just anything! Welcome to an event where Katarina Berg & Michael Kim from Spotify will share their insights from one of the world's most innovative companies. Katarina and Michael are both HR professionals, but at Spotify, HR is...

Mainland China Covid-19 status update

Seeing there's a lot of business interest in the overall COVID-19 situation in APAC, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei would like to offer our members a valuable and time-efficient update on the situation in Mainland China. The webinar will be short and time-efficient, focusing on the following areas;· Current COVID-19 situation in Mainland China·...

Talk with Jacob Wallenberg

Jacob Wallenberg will reflect on the experiences of the past year from the perspective of the Wallenberg sphere as well as the challenges and opportunities for this year and also consider the opportunities for business in Asia, all in the context of the global challenges.

Stocks and Dinner – Part II

Do you want to live a non-traditional lifestyle, build up an extra income without having to work more hours or just be more financially secure and sleep well at night?Join the chamber for a series of after-work introductory talks on personal finance, investing and valuing publicly traded companies. Speaker - Chamber member and Do-It-Yourself Investor...

Stocks and Dinner – Part I

Do you want to live a non-traditional lifestyle, build up an extra income without having to work more hours or just be more financially secure and sleep well at night?Join the chamber for a series of after-work introductory talks on personal finance, investing and valuing publicly traded companies. Speaker - Chamber member and Do-It-Yourself Investor...

En svensk påsk i Taipei

I samarbete med Svenska Skolan i Taipei bjuder Handelskammaren in till traditionsenlig påskaftonsfirande.Efter avslutade svensklektioner för de barn som går i Svenska Skolan bjuds det på äggjakt, godis samt tilltugg och dryck för barnen. Mingel, drinks och så traditionsenlig påskmat vi kan för de vuxna!Att klä ut sig som påskhare, påskkärring eller kanske något mittemellan...

Webinar: Social Entrepreneurship

This webinar is a collaboration with the Thai Swedish Chamber of commerce!Social entrepreneurship has been gaining traction as system change maker while driving positive impact for bottom line, environment and people. As a business model, social entrepreneurship could be applied to a wide range of organisations of various focus and sizes.At this special webinar, Mr....

SCCT Webinar: The Epic Split – Why ‘Made in China’ is going out of style

Due to a massive interest and limited seats, this webinar is back for a re-run! The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei is pleased to present to you a free of charge online session with Johan Nylander, author of the newly published book "The Epic Split – Why ‘Made in China’ is going out of style”,...

Lucia – ljusets bärare

Vid sidan av Midsommar representerar Luciafirandet en av de främsta kulturella traditionerna i Sverige, med en tydlig hänvisning till livet i gamla bondesamhällen: mörker och ljus, kyla och värme.Svenska Handelskammaren Taipei håller på traditionerna och i samarbete med Swedish School Association Taipei och alla glada svenskar i Taiwan ser fram emot att välkomna Er till...

Swedish Chamber Winter Bash

2020 is coming to an end, and we would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the coming of a new, brighter 2021. You and your spouse are cordially invited to our December bash for a night to remember!Included with your ticket:3 drinks (Wine or cocktails)A buffet dinner including traditional Western BBQ, Swedish and Taiwanese...

SCCT Company Visit: Tour of Volvo Cars

Welcome to a tour of one of Volvo Cars' Showroom!The Swedish Chamber of Commerce has been invited by Volvo Cars Authorized Dealer in Taipei City to tour the brand new facilities in Neihu as well as have a look at the newest Volvo models. On top of that, we will also get a presentation on...

SCCT & Business Sweden Breakfast Seminar

At this exclusive breakfast seminar, we will give you a briefing of the results from the Business Climate Survey 2020 and COVID-19 updates.The annual Business Climate Survey is one of SCCT's most important publications. Global business leaders share their views on a variety of questions: How confident are they about Taiwan’s economic outlook and their...

SCCT Webinar: The Epic Split – Why ‘Made in China’ is going out of style

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei is pleased to present to you a free of charge online session with Johan Nylander, author of the newly published book "The Epic Split – Why ‘Made in China’ is going out of style”, offering you a balanced look at the deep set of problems facing US-China relations, and...

SCCT Webinar: Let’s Open Up for Business

In an increasingly volatile world, new solutions for business travel are more vital for survival than ever. Magnus Hultman, CEO, and Robert Rosenberg, Global Sales Director, at Safeture join us to present solutions to keep employees safe in an effective way and open up for business again.Topics for the Webinar:Latest Highlights of Future Trends of...

SCCT Webinar with Inspire Group: Leadership in Times of Turbulence

Let’s start by stating the obvious: 2020 has so far been a year of great challenge and disruption. And the implications of this on almost every area of our lives have been felt widely; not least in our roles, workplaces and on how we lead ourselves and others.The phrase ‘new normal’ has been overused far...