The Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei (SCCT) works to promote and assist Swedish and Sweden-related brands and companies on the Taiwanese market.

By studying and advancing the commercial and industrial relations between Sweden and Taiwan, we are able to provide our member companies with a social business platform for making their voices heard among decision-makers.

We also put significant time and effort into promoting Sweden culturally, as we believe strengthening the Sweden brand is of high importance and competitive value to our member companies. This goal is achieved by arranging trade fairs providing marketing opportunities for our brands and the Sweden brand in general, cultural events and outings and various activities related to our large Young Professional community.

We also organize events of more social nature. These events are aimed both at the Swedish and Taiwanese community here in Taiwan and people of other nationalities with an interest in Sweden. They include midsummer celebrations, crayfish party, S:t Lucia, Christmas celebrations in church, Easter celebrations and Swedish Winter Barbeque and can be seen as part of our cultural mission.

In short, we connect Sweden and Taiwan.

Keli Yen 顏克莉 is the CEO of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei. Please do not hesitate to contact her if you have any questions or suggestions regarding the SCCT’s work.

台北瑞典商會 (SCCT) 致力於在台灣市場推廣和協助瑞典和瑞典相關的品牌和公司。





Keli Yen 顏克莉是台北瑞典商會的首席執行官。如果您對分庭工作有任何問題或建議,請隨時與她聯繫。

Keli Yen 顏克莉


Board of directors

Emily Wang

Chairperson (Ericsson)

Louise Wikström

Vice Chair (Ekpac Taiwan Ltd)

Robin Johansson

Executive Board Member (Vana Living)

Emma Chang

Board member (Atlas Copco Taiwan Ltd)

Martin Söderberg

Board Member (TCO Development)

Linda Wang

Board Member (IKEA)

Thomas Shaw

Board Member (Blueair - Highspeed Digital Co. Ltd)

Celia Yu

Board Member (Electrolux)

Board of supervisors

Michael Werner large

Michael Werner

Supervisor (Eiger Law)

Johan Skarendal

Supervisor (Young Professional)

Hans Hallén

Supervisor (Kuang Tai Steel International)

Other staff

Louise Lau 劉麗詩

Project Coordinator