First of all I’d like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer with Your families and loved ones. This period of Level 3 restrictions in Taiwan is of course as difficult for SCCT as it is for anyone trying to maintain business momentum and reasonably normal everyday life routines. SCCT evacuated from its office mid-May to work from home and knowingly that the focus of our members is elsewhere we have not flooded You with online seminars and kept a reasonably low and frugal profile.
Our Annual General Meeting, originally scheduled for June 3rd will be held as a physical event as soon as restrictions ease up. However, should Level 3 restrictions remain in place by September 1st I have proposed to the Board of Directors that we go ahead with an online version of the AGM.
As mentioned some time ago we now have a new Intern to replace Ms Julia Bergström, whose Scholarship term has ended. Our new intern is Mr. Axel Levén and because of current Taiwanese border control measures during Level 3 Axel is working remotely from Hong Kong, partially co-located with Swedish Chamber of Commerce HK.
Axel will now familiarize himself with Your organization and Your business, our business partners, systems/processes and will monitor the 2021 Business Climate Survey responses during the summer period and I very much look forward to work with MOFA and Taipei Mission Stockholm to bring Axel into Taiwan as soon as possible.
I myself will leave for Sweden on June 21st to renew my expired passport and expect to return on July 17th, for two weeks of wholesome quarantine at home with my wife Michaela and three children.
I would like to thank You dear member for the opportunity to work with You this past year, the support You have provided and the trust You have vested in SCCT.
We will maintain activity on our social media platforms during summer so be sure to follow us via the links below
Have a fantastic summer and hope to meet with You all soon again