June 5, 2021

Sweden National Day – a June 6 digital celebration 1/4

We’re heading towards the National Day of Sweden on June 6th and in celebration of this we are posting together with 數位外交行動計畫 Digital Diplomacy. There are some great prices from Rockland, Vana Living and Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei in the mix and to maximize your winning chances, be sure to like and share every post on all our social media platforms!
【#瑞典國慶抽好禮 第一彈?:瑞典人怎麼教小孩】
你知道嗎,大家熟知的串流影音平台Spotify、家具品牌 Ikea、跨國時尚品牌 H&M、知名電玩遊戲 Candy Crush,其實都是來自瑞典的品牌。
⌚️Knut Gadd瑞典設計錶男錶兩支(兩名)? 單支市值約7200台幣?
⌚️Knut Gadd瑞典設計錶女錶兩支(兩名) ?單支市值約7200台幣?
?Fjallraven Samlaren北極狐收集者系列背包一個(一名)?市值約4300台幣?
?瑞典習慣大解密4本(四名) ?一本市值約360元?
瑞典商會希望透過國慶抽獎系列文章,慰勞這陣子辛苦照顧孩子的爸媽。本次活動由瑞典商會與 @數位外交行動計畫 共同舉辦,按讚+分享本篇貼文,讓我們一起在疫情期間多陪伴孩子,也幫辛苦的自己抽抽看瑞典名錶跟背包吧!分享越多篇有 #瑞典國慶抽好禮 的貼文,中獎機率越大喔!??
These world-known brands such as Spotify, Ikea, Skype, Minecraft, Klarna, H&M, King and Fjällräven all come from Sweden. According to Bloomberg Innovation Index, Sweden has been one of the most innovative countries in the world for years. Brands from Sweden have had a great impact on our daily lives. We may not notice that, but they are definitely surrounding us. Now you may wonder: as a country of 10 million population, what are the secrets behind one of the most innovative countries? Let’s start with education.
Pre-school focuses primarily on play and social interaction with others.
Playing UNO can help children learn colors, numbers, and sportsmanship.
Making learning fun and building a stable foundation
Outdoor activities are very important.
-Not grading children too early
Grading children too early in school may give them a sense of failure, discouraging them from trying to learn. Teachers will instead provide a holistic report of the learning process.
Teachers tend to spend as much time with children who can’t keep up, as they do to encourage the front-runners.
Learning at school is not a competition, focus is rather on helping children build skills and find their passion.
-Creativity and independence
Children are encouraged to be creative while learning basics.
Discussion-based learning. Teachers tend to be neutral.
To think right is big, to think free is bigger.
Homework should be done at school.
You should spend your free time on making friends, playing, doing things with your family, seeking your goals and passion.
Not much pressure from school compared to Taiwan.

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