With a mission to better connect Taiwan with the global talent market and cultivate international talents locally, today National Taiwan University hosted the “NTU International Mentorship Program” Press Conference and Letter of Intent Signing Ceremony.
The event was hosted by NTU President Chung-Ming Kuan, and SCCT was there together with representatives from our Gold Members Ericsson Taiwan, IKEA and Atlas Copco Taiwan, looking forward to participating in the country’s premiere mentorship-style internship program, tailor made for international students this summer. Altogether there were over 70 institutions and 100 representatives joining in the grand event, pioneering the way for international talents to stay in Taiwan.
We extend our sincere thanks to NTU President Chung-Ming Kuan , Professor Hsiao-Wei Yuan and Mr. Johnny C.J. Wu for an excellent ceremony – this bode well for success!