At the end of July, the chamber met with Mr Leo Fan, Sales and Logistics Director at Höganäs AB to discuss Höganäs’ Taiwan business and their expectations on the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei.
Höganäs, a member of the chamber since its inception in 2011 sports an almost unbeatable record of 223 years of continuous business, “helping industries make more with less”. Höganäs produces metal powders used in a wide range of industries and applications, where they offer entirely new possibilities to create more effective, lighter products with a reduced environmental impact.
A way to describe Höganäs products in layman’s terms would be to imagine you would want to manufacture the gear shown on the business card below. By using Höganäs metal powder you can form press this out of exactly the amount of metal powder required, so no waste and no expensive machining the part into your desired shape.
Leo, Swedish Chamber of Commerce values Höganäs’ membership highly and I would also like to express our gratitude for Höganäs historical involvement in ensuring the Chamber was once established.