December 1, 2022

2022/2023 Business Climate Survey is now available

本調查的宗旨為增加對瑞典企業在台灣營運的了解,加深對市場的機遇和挑戰的認識。除此之外,也希望成為瑞典與台灣貿易對談的參考。 過去的一年裡,在台的瑞典企業受到了層層挑戰。地緣政治環境帶來的影響,以及 COVID-19 疫情的增加,使得台灣市場的發展充滿不確定性。此外,邊境管制對企業往返台灣的能力產生了重大影響;在世界大部分地區重新開放之時,此規定大幅減少與國際合作夥伴會面的機會。值得慶幸的是,在撰寫本文時,台灣已大幅放寬入境限制;可以預期社會將解封至疫情前的水準。 儘管面臨不同的挑戰,但台灣的經濟正在經歷前所未有的增長。在製造業(尤其是半導體)持續強勁增長的推動下,台灣的人均實質 GDP 將成為東亞第一。雖然 2021 年對台灣經濟來說是非凡的一年,GDP 成長率超過 6%;但2022 年的經濟成長預計將繼續超過東亞的平均水平。




大多數瑞典企業(76%)在 2021 年營收成長。考量到2021 年 COVID-19 所造成的負面影響,僅有百分之6的企業報告了財務虧損。







Fredrik Boye 柏宜德
CEO, Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei 台北瑞典商務協會

For the 5th consecutive year SCCT publishes our Business Climate Survey report. This year we launch this report in cooperation with Business Sweden in Taiwan and look forward to seeing Taiwan’s data being incorporated in next year’s ‘Global Business Climate Survey’ report, as released annually by Swedish Chambers International and Business Sweden.

The purpose of the report you have in front of you, is to increase the understanding of Swedish companies’ performance in Taiwan and deepen our appreciation of the opportunities and challenges that the market possesses. In addition, it will hopefully serve as a solid reference in bilateral trade talks between Sweden and Taiwan. Recipients include Ministers of the Legislative Yuan, Swedish Ministers

The past year has certainly introduced several challenges for Swedish companies in Taiwan. Challenges presented by the geopolitical environment as well as a rise in Covid- 19 cases led to uncertainty as to how the developments would impact the Taiwanese market. Furthermore, pandemic related entry restrictions have had a big impact on the ability for companies to travel to and from Taiwan, affecting the opportunities to meet international partners during a time when most of the world has opened up again.

Thankfully, at the time of writing, the entry restrictions to Taiwan have been loosened significantly, and a resumption of pre-pandemic society can be expected to be imminent. Despite the different challenges, Taiwan’s economy is experiencing unprecedented growth and the island’s real per capita GDP is expected to be the largest in East Asia, driven by continued strong domestic demand, with investment as the main catalysator, which has been driven by firms’ capital expenditure and green energy and 5G network infrastructure projects. While 2021 was an exceptional year for the Taiwanese economy, with a GDP growth of over 6 per cent, growth is expected to continue to outpace the average in East Asia for 2022.

The report highlights a positive business climate for Swedish companies in Taiwan and a strong investment outlook. In addition, the report showcases Taiwan’s stable market for Swedish companies to do business in. Taiwan’s market economy is institutionally sound, and it features transparent, clearly defined as well as rules for ensuring fair competition and largely equal opportunities for all market participants. An independent Fair Trade Commission supervises business practices to ensure fair competition. The market consistently ranks highly in global economic indices measuring ease of doing business, economic freedom and competitiveness.

In summary, we are very encouraged by the results and expect Taiwan to continue to cement its place as a core market for Swedish companies in East Asia, on the back of continued solid growth prospects along with ambitious plans to grow exports and make the market bilingual by 2030.

Lastly, we would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to the participating companies and respondents, which have contributed to this report with valuable insights.

Sincerely Yours,

Fredrik Boye

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